29 mars 2021

Martech 2021

Vi har nu startat arbetet med den fjärde Martech-rapporten för att mäta mognadsgraden och användandet av marknadsteknologi (Martech) i Sverige. Det är många som vill ha mer kunskap samt få inspiration från andra kring användandet av Martech.

Årets enkät skickas ut från den 29 mars och har gått till beslutfattare – håll utkik i din inkorg! Din input är viktig.


It’s time for the fourth Martech study that identifies the level of maturity in marketing technology (Martech) in Sweden and as requested by many of our readers we will provide success stories from leading companies for inspiration. Your input and insights as a marketing professional on how you use marketing technology at your company are key to determining the future of Martech. We hope you will contribute to this short study by answering a few questions.

The survey will take less than 5 minutes and your reply is of course anonymous.

What is the study?
• A Swedish survey and report identifying future trends of Martech in a broad spectrum of industries
• Helping understanding the role of Martech in the years to come
• Targeted for professionals working with strategic responsibility for investments in market technology
• A source of success stories for optimal Martech usage.

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